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About Quaning

What is Quaning?

Quaning is the Innovative Guidance Methodology that iShaktie uses for personal development and business development.

Quaning is a form of guidance that uses quantum information to help individuals and organizations achieve their personal and work-related goals. For a fixed price, within a maximum of 7 weeks, sustainable and with result guarantee. Quaning is developed by Helma Lieberwerth from the desire of:

Making coaching sustainable, more effective, faster and more affordable.

The ability to give words to the invisible world.

As many people as possible work and live from their Intention of Being.

How do we compare?

See how Quaning Compares to Other Forms of Coaching & Guidance

Differences with other types of coaching and guidance can be found in form Guidance Method, Content, and Results.

Differences in

Other Forms of Coaching

The Quaning Way

Technology / Coaching Methodology
Only guidance with the coach.
Innovative technology, combined with personal guidance and according to a specific structured process.
No clear view of the number of sessions needed and thus the number of sessions and financial investment varies.
Quaning programs have a fixed price, payed in advance without any hidden or unexpected charges.
Only analysis of the coach.
Spot on analysis and interventions with the innovative technology that guarantees to reach your goal(s) sustainably.
Goal can vary during course.
The goal for the whole program is set and agreed upon in the first Quaning session.
Program Structure
Structure varies, goals can vary every session.
A carefully composed, step-by-step plan that provides a clear structure and a goal-oriented approach.
No clear duration of the sessions needed.
The Quaning-RGprogram lasts up to a maximum of 7 weeks with a results guarantee.
Daily Journaling
No daily journaling to support reaching the goal easily.
Every day you work with the Q-Report, a daily journal that is part of the success formula of the Quaning-RGprogram.

Differences in

Other Forms of Coaching

The Quaning Way

Theories / Methodology
Based on traditional personal development theories.
Inspired by Quantum Physical principles, both as in the innovative technology that is used and in Helma Lieberwerth's (the founder of Quaning), vision that every human being has something unique to contribute to himself and to others.
Focuses on thoughts, behavior, and measurable results, not on what causes the thoughts and behavior.
Quaning works with the unconscious part that controls our thoughts. The part that is the basis for your thoughts, thinking patterns and behaviors.
Only personal.
Both technical and personal.
Sessions focusses on the problem and solutions for that problem, not so much on living a fulfilling and meaningful life.
With Quaning you experience depth in your personal development. Every session there is a focus on the extra dimension of aligning with your Intention of Being for a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
In-Depth Coaching
Works only on the problem and solution for that problem.
Quaning delivers a solution to live and work from your Intention of Being.
No deeper meaning to life signs.
Quaning makes it easy to interpret the signs of life and to give meaning to them.
Holistic Coaching
Works only on the problem and the solution for that problem.
Holistic approach: You get to know who you are, what you are meant to do and how that relates to what happens in your life. You find out what makes a person think what he thinks, how that then determines what he does, and thus has an impact on all of us, on the whole.
No clear flow or natural change after every session.
With Quaning you experience flow again and it becomes self-evident that you are fulfilling your Intention of Being if:
– You are aware of the lesson that is in the situation.
– The information in your personal information field about that lesson has changed, so that the lesson can be ticked off as a ‘lesson learned’.
– Information has been included in the personal information field instead, which brings you in better connection with your Intention of Being.
Personal Information Field
Traditional coaches and career counselors focus on the dimensions where things are visible and tangible. They look at what has happened to you and how you should move forward. If nothing changes in the personal information field, relapse is inevitable.
The personal information field: a difference between Quaning and traditional coaching is in how deeply a person’s personal information field is addressed. With the innovative technology, we analyze this information in the personal information field, and then we become aware of it and change it. Only in this dimension can you really change your thoughts and behavior durably.

Differences in

Other Forms of Coaching

The Quaning Way

No sustainable results.
Effective and sustainable guidance method; The combination of personal coaching by the certified Quaner, the innovative technology and the depth of the intervention makes Quaning effective and sustainable.
Determined Sessions
Duration and number of sessions are not clear.
Quaning delivers you fast and lasting results with analyzes and interventions every session with the innovative technology.
Fast Results
Mostly lasts longer than 7 weeks.
With Quaning you get maximum results in a minimum of time; within 7 weeks or shorter if the goal has been reached earlier.
Effortless Success
Mostly a lot of time and effort goes in the coaching without reaching the actual goal.
With Quaning you achieve your goal with little effort, in flow.
Lasting Results
People fall back in old behavior patterns. Because of the basis of where the thoughts and behavior come from remains the same.
With Quaning there is an intervention on the unconscious part that controls our thoughts. The thoughts change automatically and when the thoughts change the behavior and visible results also change.

Intention of Being

"Do you have a longing for deep fulfilment in your life and work?"

The Intention of Being Vision, founded by Helma Lieberwerth, is the basis for personal development with a deeper sense of meaning at iShaktie. Get inspired by the book about this original, pioneering and practical vision on people and personal growth, written by Helma Lieberwerth and Ingrid Aarsman.